
As a lifetime "equipment enthusiast" and teenager with an entrepreneurial spirit, I'm the ideal labourer for your snow removal and lawn care needs.

Against the advice of parents and medical professionals, I've been operating riding lawnmowers, whipper snippers, leaf blowers, and snowblowers since the tender age of 7. I'm proud to show off all ten fingers and ten toes upon request.

In addition to operating Pittstop Snow Removal and Lawn Care, I'm also an Ancaster News Carrier, Ancaster Community Services Student Contractor, Volunteer Assistant Coach for the Ancaster Youth Soccer Club, and Volunteer Snow Blower and Rink Builder for the Community Rinks of Ancaster Heights.

Services & Rates

Pittstop Snow Removal and Lawn Care offers:

  • Lawn cutting
  • Trimming
  • Weeding
  • Spring clean up
  • Fall raking, bagging, and clean up
  • Snow removal for your driveway, walkway and porch
  • Odd jobs

I bring all my own equipment, including a riding lawn mower for larger properties.

Snowblowing starts as low as $20 (flat rate) and lawn care is offered at a competitive flat rate. Contact me for a quote.


HOME: 905.648.2568   |   CELL: 905.516.8620